14 th November; World Diabetes Day


@Sameer Goel | Correspondent

New Delhi : 14 November is marked as the World Diabetes Day. Every year World Diabetes Day has a significant theme. The theme for World Diabetes Day this year is The Family and Diabetes. High blood sugar levels or diabetes is a serious condition and is affecting millions of people worldwide. People with diabetes should keep a constant check of their blood sugar levels. A diabetes diet simply means eating the healthiest and nutritious foods in moderation and sticking to regular mealtimes. People with high blood sugar levels should focus on low fat diet. Some important foods which can help lower your blood sugar levels are fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy products and whole grains.


Diabetes a silent killer, as it is often called, Diabetes is an ever increasing dysfunction that takes control of all other systems causing them to defunct. It is a chronic condition in which body’s ability to process blood glucose is impaired. While it cannot be cured completely, diabetes can be managed, to a large extent, by eating a healthy diet, exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle.

According to the American Diabetes Association, include a source of protein at each meal, even if it means you are consuming snacks. Proteins delay the starch from reaching the gut. This delays the emptying of the gut, which in turn prevents sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

Dr. Saurabh Goel, a prominent Homoeopath and an ex-professor at Baksons Homoeopathy College, Greater Noida asserts the need to be more active physically. According to him, brisk morning walks can help countering the risk.
Apart from this, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet holds the key to stay fit and healthy.

Every year, on World Diabetes Day, he conducts camps at his clinic in Rajendra Nagar, Sahibabad to create awareness. Free blood sugar check-ups and other dietary consultancy is provided.
Indeed, it is a noble gesture to give gift of health to every one. These camps and activities have in fact been very helpful in creating awareness and to counter this undesirable condition in an efficacious manner.


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