Saket Dinkar | News Editor
Ghaziabad: The very promise of the State Government and Prime Minister of India Modiji’s most lucrative programme, “Swachhta Abhiyaan” and it’s outcome in form of beautification-Cum- Employment generation drive in the city of Ghaziabad has started coming.

Recently, the flower vendors who were sitting and encroached upon the footpath near Railway Station on GT Road fir last many decades were provided with beautifully built red coloured with standardises designed cabins which were allotted and facilitated by Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam to all such Flower Vendors, who were selling flowers for many decades on the foothpaths.
All the flowers vendors who were allotted flower vending shops in form of a Standardly designed “Khokhas” on the main GT Road, near Railway Station, Ghaziabad found happy and appreciating this Nagar Nigam move. The above Khokhas are beatifically coloured(red), designed and even adequate space have been left out on the footpath for pedestrians movement as well.
Through the reliable sources, it was described that the budget provisions of such shops “Khokhas” were made out of MP local area development funds and local Local MP General(retired) V K Singh presently minister in Union Government, was very instrumental of such work and had made and allocated adequate budgetory provisions out of his MPLADF. However, it could not be confirmed. Any how such move is likely to benefited such flower vendors as well as local people. Besides this, the city also looks nice in a progressive manner. Every one will appreciate this move, whosoever has contributed in this regard and must be appreciated.
All the flower vendors who got allotted such “Khokhas” were very happy to see and describe this move by Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam. One of the flower vendors, Rajesh Kumar Choudhary of Choudhary Flower Shop who was alotted shop no. 11, while talking to “A News Of India” said, it is a very good move by the Yogiji’s goverment. Atleast now we have security and our children are safe to get their bread atleast, without any atrocities from police or Nagar Nigam employees. We also want to live with respect and dignity. We are now tension free. Even this place is now dirt and dust free after allotment of these shops as how it is beautifully seeing. Just imagine it was not so earlier”
Another flower vendor, Satpal Sharma who I also being alotted shop no 7 describes and was looking very happy and satisfied informed this corresoondent of “A News Of India”, ” we are ready to pay Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam a reasonable amount in lieu of this allotment subject to it is within our reach and we hope so that BJP goverment shall fixed our amount seeing out income out of selling flowers everyday. It really seems now a sensitive government is governing the state. City of Ghaziabad is also looking good.”
One of the flower vendors Kishori Lal who has been allotted shop no 10, from Jaimata Flowers, quoted the version of Ghaziabad MP and Union Minister, General (retired) V K Singh, when he came to Inaugurate these shops and said, “we wanted to see the entire cities of UP with a similar kind of shops to be allotted to all shopkeepers in the entire State to beautify all cities and also give an opportunity to all shopkeepers to earn their livelihood with dignity and respect.
Any way the result of State Government and our Prime Minister Modiji’s vision have started paying and coming across the lives of common people. No doubt it is also beautifying the city and generating employment also with respect and dignity as well.