Heart Care Foundation of India’s (HCFI) annual flagship event – the 26th MTNL Perfect Health Mela’s to focus on “Fit Delhi, Fit India”


Some new attractions this year include the cyclathonem Happiness index and fitness index

@ Vikas Sharma | Sr Journalist

New Delhi: HCFI, a leading national non-profit organization, committed to making India a healthier and disease-free nation, today announced the theme for its flagship event, the Perfect Health Mela 2019. The Mela will be organized from 18th to 20th October 2019 at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi. It is being jointly with the Health and Family Welfare Dept. NCT Delhi, and other central and Delhi state government departments.
The Perfect Health Mela is a one-of-its-kind event held every year with a mission to generate all-around awareness on health using entertainment as a medium. The theme this year is “Fit Delhi, Fit India”. Among the new additions to the Mela this year include the cyclathone, fitness index and happiness index. Free medical check-ups will be provided to all visitors.
The mela will have partners like food Imperfecto, home personal and fabric hygiene by Fenna and university partner Ansals.
All mela visitors will be given deworming tablet and Vitamin D sachet. All adolescent girls will be given a sanitary napkin. There will be special show ion science behind miracles, Bollywood evening with Shibani Kashyap, Dandia show and an open dance competition.
Started in 1993, the Perfect Health Mela caters to people from all age groups and all walks of life. It showcases activities across categories such as health education seminars, check-ups, entertainment programmes, lifestyle exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and competitions. The Mela is attended by over 200 organizations each year including those from the state and central government, PSUs, and leading corporates.
Speaking about the Mela Padma Shri Awardee Dr KK Aggarwal, President HCFI & President, Confederation of Medical Associations of Asia and Oceania (CMAAO), said, “The Perfect Health Mela completed 25 years last October and was a huge success. This year, the theme of the Mela is Fit Delhi, Fit India, and through this, we aim to start the #MainFitToHiIndiaFit movement. With the government recently launching the Fit India campaign, there cannot be a better time to centre the Mela around this theme. A very simplistic view of physical fitness is the ability of the body to perform daily activities and tasks without any excessive fatigue. An apparently healthy person may not be physically fit, while a physically fit person may still be unhealthy. We want to raise awareness on these aspects. This year, the Mela promises to be bigger, better, and more exciting for everyone as we have introduced many new features. We will begin with a cyclathone event on 18th.”
Adding further, Dr Aggarwal, said, “A six-minute walk test (6MWT) can help assess a person’s cardiac endurance or fitness. It is a sub-maximal exercise test that measures distance walked over a span of 6 minutes. Walk back and forth in a hall. You are permitted to slow down, to stop and to rest as necessary. Resume walking as soon as possible. Patients of any age, with asthma, heart failure, osteoarthritis, knee replacement, healthy adults and children can do the 6MWT. It decides your fitness index irrespective of health or disease status.”
There will be a special survey conducted on happiness index during the mela.
Apart from health check-ups, the Mela will also have various thematic conclaves on topics such as spirituality and fitness which will bring together experts from various fields for panel discussion on relevant issues.
Other events at the Mela include Harmony and Ecofest National inter-school competitions, Youth Rock Band/Orchestra Festival, Divya Jyoti Medical Masti Youth Festival, conferences, and Nukkad Natak.
Adding further, Dr Aggarwal said, “Dance and music are an excellent medium for creating awareness albeit in an entertaining way. These art forms have been used since ages to educate people as well. It will be interesting to talk about these aspects in the Perfect Health Mela conclave dedicated to infotainment and deliberate on them.”
Dr Ramesh Kumar MOH NDMC, added, ‘’We laud the Heart Care Foundation of India for this initiative and for continuing to organize this even year after year. We will extend our complete support towards making the event a success”.
Dr Nisha Mendiratta, Head, NCSTC Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India said that the mela will have special shows on science behind miracles, taramandal and low cost science modules.
Sh. R C Kesarwani, Joint Secretary (H&FW) said that the mela will also display the achievements by the Delhi Government in the health sector.
Sh. Atul Rajbhushan, Coca Cola; Mr. Sumit Khosla, Senior General Manager Marketing, Fena detergents; Ms. Nuria Rodriguez Parra, Imperfecto; Mr. Suresh Madan, Imperfecto and Mr. Amit Phull, CMO Ansals university also addressed the conference.
Do a 6MWT and join the #MainFitToHiIndiaFit movement
• If your 6MWT is 400-700 m, you are cardiac fit.
• If your 6MWT is <200 m, you are unfit.
• If your 6MWT is 200-400 m, you need a fitness program. Discuss with your doctor.
• You are fit if you have improved your walk distance by 54 ft in six minutes.
• If you walk more than 562 m in 6MWT, then you do not require any further exercise tests.
• Improvement of 10% in distance walked is the minimum criterion indicating that your fitness is improving.

For more information about the event, please visit http://www.heartcarefoundation.org/. Entry to the Mela is free for all.


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