@ Vikas Sharma I Sr. Journalist
In the digital age, innovation is endless and the possibilities to uplift the wallcoverings domain aplenty.
Modern interpretations of classic designs as photos are popping up everywhere, whether it’s a graphic
or a digitalized geometric pattern inspired by a specific layout. Carrying their legacy forward Marshalls
have come up with a new customized collection which is a futuristic digital wallcovering that takes
transformation to a new level. Today, wallcoverings represent the harmonious union between timeless
design and youthful innovation, depth and buoyancy. Marshalls wall coverings have revolutionized the
world of interiors, as time and again they have proved to be the best home décor solution. Not only are
they eco-friendly and easy to maintain but they also amplify the aesthetics of the homes. Minimalist and
with a hint of subtlety, their wall coverings resuscitate a given space and weave in magic to the
enclosure without much ado. Spreading its wings all over India Marshalls have a well-established base in
Mumbai with 10 flagship stores and 48 branches across the country.
No matter what the trending decor style is, wallcoverings can be incredibly versatile. They are a great
option to incorporate texture into interiors and the perfect way to create an unforgettable visual. Any
design can be fused into the wallcoverings by Marshalls and the installation process is just a matter of a
few hours. Attractive designs are customized as per demand such as weaving a photograph of one’s
choice into a wallcovering that makes it distinctive and special. Be it offices, homes or stores, renovation
can be completed in 8 hours without leaving any mess. A regular wall installation is done in a mere’ time
and an entire flat in two days without leaving a trace of smell. No smell, No mess, only beautiful walls.

To give a unique urban edge there is a plethora of cool graffiti wallcoverings designs to choose from.
Made from high-quality materials, extremely durable and long lasting, one can expect amazing print
definition and superb color vibrancy from street art murals. Marshalls wallcoverings offer a variety of
non-conformist prints in the market that cater to bohemian sensibilities by celebrating the offbeat side
of life.
Marshalls offers the innate freedom of decorating the walls as per any given choice and taste. Sizes are
flexible as they can be customized according to any wall size. Any picture can be incorporated as a
wallcovering and turned into a magnanimous piece of art. Digital wallcoverings can be printed on
various mediums like non-vowen textures, fabric, canvas, vinyl, backlit etc. With an inhouse design and
manufacturing facility, Marshalls aid the installation of the digital wallcoverings impeccably. The process
is quick and hassle-free, and the wall coverings are odorless, washable, colorfast, durable and adaptable
to all wall sizes and shapes as per the requirements. These digital wallcoverings, having vernacular
variations not only exhibit spectacular aesthetics but are durable & practical, offering a 1-year warranty
and quick installation service by network of service provider’s PAN India.
Aside from architectural nuances and major renovations, wallcoverings are a reliable tactic to modify a
room. Its sole purpose is to breathe life into a space and make it feel like one’s own. If anything, the
wallcoverings asserts it’s time to be fearless and have a little fun.
Anyone with a flair of creativity can easily order online from their website or visit the nearest store
Price range : ₹ 1934/Sq. Mtr + GST
Collections viewable online at www.marshallsindia.com