Police in Lock-down to Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary of Elderly Couple


@ Diamond Yadav | Correspondent

Moradabad: The lock-down implemented to break the Corona virus chain had jeopardized the hopes of celebrating the 50th anniversary of Suresh Chandra Aggarwal and his wife. But Anuj, the only son of Suresh Chandra Agarwal living in Noida, made his parents happy with the help of Moradabad Police. Anuj informed the Moradabad police that it is the 50th wedding anniversary of his elderly parents, he could not come from Noida on his father’s 50th wedding anniversary due to the lock down. He wanted to commemorate this anniversary. But they are helpless. Hearing all this, Moradabad City Kotwal Shakti Singh, Inspector in-charge of Police Station, Kotwali Sadar and along with them choki in charge Mandi Chowk SI Sandeep Kumar, along with the force and women constable took flower garland flower cake and reached the residence of the elderly couple without any prior notice. Everyone celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary together with Suresh Chandra Agarwal and his wife Sushma. With Suresh Chandra Aggarwal and his wife Sushma happily celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with the police team. After this, Anuj also called and thanked the Moradabad Police.


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