National Cancer Survivors Day 2020


@ ANOI Bureau

India: National Cancer Survivors Day is a CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of SUPPORT for families, and an OUTREACH to the community!!
The day is a day of celebration for all cancer survivors and their friends and families and a day to raise awareness of cancer and how it affects lives.
History of national cancer survivor day::

The National Cancer Survivors Day was first announced by Merril Hastings at the second national conference meeting of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship in Albuquerque, New Mexico on November 20, 1987.
Many survivors go on to fulfill their dreams and find joy and happiness once again. Cancer Survivor Day is for those who have faced off against this most dread of ailments and risen again to live full, happy lives.

It’s a time for people with similar stories and experiences to come together and celebrate their strength and perseverance. It’s no easy feat and a milestone to be recognized and appreciated. It’s the idea that there’s not only hope for a brighter future but to demonstrate that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality.

Not only is it a day for thousands to gather to celebrate those who have survived, but it’s a chance to inspire those with a recent diagnosis that it is possible to overcome and beat cancer. Consider it a way to offer support for survivors and family and people everywhere who have been or continue to be impacted by this life-altering disease.

Dr. Naman Utreja, Sr. Oncologist

While talking with ‘ A News of India’ Dr. Naman Utreja, Sr. Oncologist at leading Private Hospital Said “Whether you’re still in treatment or long since finished, there are many ways to continue to take care of yourself as a cancer survivor. Eating right, getting regular physical activity, and getting recommended cancer screenings are an important part of that equation.”


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