Drinking Enough Water Can Help You Lose Weight


Drinking water does not make you gain weight, since it’s calorie-free. However, certain health conditions can cause people to retain water, such as kidney diseases, and drinking water may cause weight gain. Drinking more water everyday will help you lose weight.

Our eating habits have a lot to do with weight loss. While solids are a major source of calories and fat, liquids also affect that in a big way. Drinking water does not make you gain weight, since it’s calorie-free. However, certain health conditions can cause people to retain water, such as kidney diseases. Drinking more water everyday will help you to lose weight. Water makes you feel full without adding any calories to your diet. Also, drinking water helps you consume lesser calories from your meal. Here are five reasons we should drink more water.

Water suppresses the appetite: Water helps to metabolize stores fats. Studies have shown that a decrease in water will cause fat deposits to increase. Intake of water can reduce this. Also, your kidneys function properly when they are given enough fluid.

Depending on the Body Weight: An obese person will need more water than a thin one. An overweight person has a bigger metabolic load. As we know water helps to metabolize fat. More water is needed to help the kidneys and liver function optimally.

Waste: Water is an excellent detoxifier. It helps flushing out toxins from your body and gets rid of waste primarily through waste and urine. When we lose weight we have a lot more metabolized fat to get rid of. Drinking more water will help flush the waste out of the body. Water can help in constipation as well.

Muscle tone:  Cells that don’t maintain their balance of fluid and electrolytes shrivel can result in muscle fatigue. Water will also prevent you from dehydration and thereby can help muscle tone by giving them the natural ability to contract. Water can also help against sagging skin in weight loss.

Weight loss: Dieters have been drinking lots of water as a weight loss strategy. When you drink water, you fill up your stomach and hence it reduces the tendency to eat more. Water does not have any calories thus it does not contribute to weight gain. It increases the rate at which body burns fat. It promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.



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