@ Saket Dinkar | News Editor
Ghaziabad : In order to update knwoledge and skills through research and presentations amongst school children in this modern era, specially in this golablly competitive socity; Delhi Public School, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad has organised a programme “Educatement; 2019” for its class X students. The programme was to provide a stage to all participating students as a team to focus on reasearch, group work and to develop presentations skills and, at the same time, learn the most desired knowledge and skills of international standard besides leadership quality and working in a group. In this glabally competitive age where talents are searched in many rounds at various levesl of selection process, wherein, idea, subject matter, research, content development, effective communications skills and finally presentations skills are very important factors, this stage has provided an excellent opportunity to the students to learn in the same perspective, in which they will have to face in future specially during their entire profesional lives.

“Our News Editor and other parents with DPS Raj Nagr, Ghaziabad students during “Educatement 2019”
In this age of information technology, the world has come very closer to us where every thing is easily available even the talented professionals, and hence the talent hunters have a lot of options readily available wherein demands for glabally competitive talents are always at a high pace are always welcome. Although talents hunts is a cumbursome process taking more time during searching process rather, they to go a long way to seach the right person exactly as per exact need of job profile. Infact, knowledge and skills are no doubt, very important factors to assess any one, in this copmpetetive age. However, some other talents are also very important to handle the situation and these are based on communication skills, presentations skills as well to promote team work. Besides this, team work is equally important to show leadership quality. All these talents promotes such personality having such qualities and resultantly, such person as a perofession is always a very succesful in his or her entire career. If some one develops such kind of talents in his or her early age, it is liekly to upgrade his such talents in future when he or she becomes an adult and the confidence level of such persons is constantly go high and high.
Seeing the above competetitve qualities amongst students, Delhi Public School Raj nagar, Ghaziabad’s programme inculcated many good things which are positively likely to overall promote the personalities not only the participating students in the presentation but also amongst viewers who had seriously watched this mega show with due interests and concentration. No doubt, this stage also provided the students to work in a group and how to promote team work with due assesment of talent amongst them and develop leadership quality with thourough approach assesing a success. If such a regular opportunity are given to any chid such stage can promotes talent, professionalism, confidence, leadership quality and finally familiarity with modern presentations skills to make their career a success and thair future may also be bright through this opportunity.
While talking to “A News Of India”, Principal, DPS Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad; Mrs Shashi Ranjan, informed, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind. Keeping the same in mind, team DPS Rajnagar organised ‘Educatement’ and, at the same time, provided this as a platform to the students to present their research upon their fascinating topics. Today it is an age of gobal competitiveness wherein the same kind of talents are to be inculcated amongst our children, to make the career of our newer generation a success and make their future bright.” No doubt, the vision of DPS Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad must be appriciated in the same perspective in which it was conceived, organised and opportunities were extended to all particiapting students who actively and excellently presented their talents, leadership qualities and also shown how to succesfully worked in a team and promote team work. Other students who also learnt a lot through these presentations after viewing the programe “Educatement 2019” exclusively organised for class X. Many parents of children were also present during the presentations of their ward and they were very happy to see the programme and also were well informed through presentations on many topics which were never arrived hitherto, in their mind or life.
The Incharge Secondary, DPS Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad; Mrs Anuradha Ghosh informed about this mega show of talents to our News Editor, “we had an idea to promote conceiving ideas, reasearches, content development, team work, leadership quality and presentation skills amongst our children so this ‘Educatement’ is being organised in our school for many years in which children are gievn an opportunity to select any topic of their choice, working in a group of 8 to 10 children. They have to conduct research independently on the topics through modern age IT sector, develop content themselve and make it as a presentation. Each one of them in the team, has to actively participate in all activities of the group to present and described about the topic selected by respective team members. At every stage they get due guidance of we teachers and really when they work hard and make their presentations a success we feel proud. This is basically extending an opportunity to our children to make them update their knowlede, skills, develop an atmosphere of team work and learn how to work in a group, co-operation among each other and finally promote their inner talents to come up and make them global competitive. Besides developemnt of these talents, the above all the most important thing the confidence in our all children. This time the students of class X organised this “Educatement 2019 and they have selected the following topics; ‘Cosmic Microwave’, ‘Happiness Index’, ‘Surgical Strike’, ‘Social Media’, ‘Communication Skills’, ‘Armed Forces’, ‘Artificial Intelligence’, ‘Hyper loop’, ‘Self employment’,”Ingenious Inventions’.”
Infact, after going through all presnetations, it is evident that the very purpose and idea of organising “Educatement 2019” has served properly and the students of DPS, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad who participated in the event have shown their talents of conceiving ideas, conducting research, development of content, making presentations, communication skills. Not only that, besides these, these students also succesfully learnt working in group and leadership quality as reflected in the entire presentations. Moreover, it is also important to mentioned here that, each presentation has made and compelled the viewers to watch all the pesentation made there with due full concentration and patience. After the end of all presentation the mangement of DPS Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad invited parents of the children to give their feedback. The feedback shared by all parents were positive, appriciating and they were amaze to see the talents of their children. Overall, it was a very good show and must be appriciated. The event turned out to be successful and drew appreciation from one and all.