Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) celebrates its 32nd Foundation Day


@ Vikas Sharma | Sr Journalist

  • Hosts a Foundation Day lecture, themed around ‘Fast Economic Growth and Trickle-down’
  • Proposes employment policy to integrate with Economic Growth Policy

New Delhi: – Honouring the founding day of a new model of cutting edge design and innovation, education, Institute of Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) hosts an educational event celebrating its 32nd Foundation day. The event primarily comprised a Foundation Day Lecture, themed around ‘Fast economic growth and trickle down: Indian experience and policy options in the post reform period”. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Sucha Singh Gill, Member, Revenue Commission, Govt of Punjab & Hony. Sr. Professor, CRRID, Chandigarh. The lecture session was Chaired by Prof. S.R. Hashim, Former Member Secretary, Planning Commission.

Prof. Gill discussed the topic at length covering various points viz. India’s Policy Shift; Trickle-down theory and economic development; Limitation of trickle down under best conditions; Operational Limitations; Declining employment elasticity; etc. Following an in-depth discussion, Prof. Gill also briefly skimmed through some possible solutions to the issues pertaining to economic growth and suggested changes in policy to correct distortion in income distribution. He concluded the lecture, proposing integration of Employment Policy with Economic growth.

Commenting on the Foundation Day and the Event, Spokesperson ISID commented, “Ever since our founding, at ISID we have challenged traditional standards and have continuously stretched the boundaries of creative learning. This Foundation Day celebration is to honour the resilient spirit of ISID staff, faculty, students and alumni and to reflect on those who have contributed to the success of ISID.”

The event commenced at 11 am, with a lamp light ceremony, followed by welcome remarks by Prof. M.R. Murthy, Director ISID. Among other dignitaries who addressed the guests and audiences present at the event were, Shri T.N. Chaturvedi, Chairman, ISID; Prof. S.K. Goyal, Vice-Chairman, ISID and Prof. V.K. Malhotra, Member- Secretary ICSSR. The edifying lecture session and the event were concluded with a Vote of Thanks, trailed by Lunch and Faculty and Staff Program.


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