2nd Great Fit India Conclave in Delhi on Doctor’s Day, Many great Health Professionals will be Included


Dr. Harsh Vardhan Celebrate Doctor’s Day & Attend this Program as a chief guest. 

@ Afaq Khan Sameer | Correspondent

New Delhi : Medscape India Organized 2nd Fit India Conclave on Doctor’s Day in Delhi 30th June 2019. Many people in the healthcare industry will be included in this program including Dr. Harsh vardhan Health Minister of India. Dr. Sunita Dube Chairperson Medscape India & Organizer says, it’s a Community Health Empowerment Program. This program is supported by Ayush, External & Health Ministry. Delhi is an annual host  state of this prestigious program .

Medscape India -AMET, a non profit organisation has been working relentlessly on healthcare & Girl child, Women empowerment since 14 years.
Medscapeindia has instituted an initiative The Fit India  project is a voluntary movement. Initiative by doctors and like-minded individuals with the motive of serving the society & was  inspired by Prof. A.P.J. Kalam’ s guidance & blessings has been active since 5 years.
The objective of the Conclave is to bring together the expert to deliberate the strength of the existing Health Care sector and to make India a healthy country program  will create awareness on various preventive diseases to chronic Disease, various awareness programs.
The Day Program will include – conference, panel discussions, FITINDIA HERO  2019 Awards .
The program  will be attended by renowned speakers , 42 different  medical & paramedical specialists , Presidents from various Medical & Paramedical association,healthcare leaders, sports personalities, Governments authorities , Medical Teachers.


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