“Atal Smriti” National Integration Award Organized On 15th August.


Afaq Khan | Correspondent

New Delhi – National Integration Award and First Atal Smriti Award were organized on the occasion of Independence Day at the India International Center under the joint auspices of Dr. Abdul Kalam Praja Committee and Veer Bhumi, the convenor of the program Mahant Varun Sharma Hanuman Mandir Jamuna Bazar told that Former Union Minister Ashok Pradhan, former Union Minister of State for Agriculture Krishna Raj, BJP’s national vice-president Shyam Jaju, story reader Ajay Bhai MLA Alka Lamba Indo-european Business Forum President Sunil Kumar Gupta, were present in the main. World champion Gaurav Sharma said that on this occasion, Chairman of Dr. Abdul Kalam Publicity Committee, Shankar Dharman, Secretary of Federation of Small Industries, Ajay Goel, Farmer Leader Sudhir Jha Dronacharya Awardee Bhupendra Dhawan, Mahasingh Rao, Sanjay Jain Educationist Gulshan Kumar, Businessman Pankaj Aggarwal, Suman Gupta, Yugavani Times journalist “Rohit Bisaiya” and
a news of india journalist afaq khan,sameer Exposed Live’s Akash Napa and Sahitya Rajini Individual sports journalism medicine etc. was awarded outstanding individuals from various fields. Also, school children were also honoured and they were honoured by giving special prizes to the students in the competitions topped by them. The head of the program Mahant Gaurav Sharma said that we will continue to do such programs continuously in the coming times and will give respect to the people working in their respective fields because they are the real development of the country.


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