Violence should not spread through Universities- Army Chief Bipin Rawat

General Bipin Rawat, Chief of Army staff and chairman of the chiefs of staff committee addressed the Six Sigma Health care Excellence award 2019


@ Vikas Sharma | Sr Journalist

New Delhi, Leadership is the virtue of soldiers, which they tough them through hardship in hard circumstances. They cannot defeat by challenges which they faces while serving nation. We see now a days Universities and Institutes are in lime light because of Violence, what type of leadership they are giving to students, it should not prevail. When we talk about sizzling winter of Delhi, My heart goes with the solider who posted there at -50 degree temperature of Siachen. We should salute the zest of soldiers. He instinct on to prevail peace and calm atmosphere in Universities campus, rather than to violence and agitation.

He was speaking in 4th Six Sigma Health Care excellence award 2019 in Hotel Pullman Aerocity. He recalls his training days and said, A soldier make after hardship training and difficult circumstances. Which create a true leadership among them and they never give up. But Institutions are not giving true leadership. Dr. Pradeep Bhardwaj CEO and Organizing chairman of Six Sigma Health care Excellence award said” we are on mission to provide free cost medicine on High altitude of Mountains, pilgrimage are not safe, Medical care access are not enough. We serve more than 54 thousands patients during Kedarnath yatra. More than 40 category award were given to various category of Health care.


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