4 Hotels Identified For Doctor’s Quarantine In Moradabad


@ Diamond Yadav | Correspondent

Moradabad 30th March 2020: The district administration of Moradabad has acquired four hotels in the city for quorantining it’s doctors and staff treating patients infected with the Corona Virus(COVID 19) for fifteen days.

The entire country is on lock-down situation up to 14th April 2020 on the announcement if Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi due to spreading threat of Corona Virus in third stage and has caused havoc in the world.

Here in India too the number of patients infected by COVID 19 is constantly increasing due to which the Government of India is has taken this decision for lock down hoti April 14th and the country is putting all kinds of efforts to protect the countrymen, seeing the global situation arising out of COVID19 19 specially in reference to Italy, Iran, Spain, Netherlands and US as well.

The health facilities in the above said countries are far better than India. Even the population of these countries are lesser than India, and resources wise they are in far better position in comparison to India, So overall, it is an alarming situation seeing the population and availabilities of health facilities are concerned in our country.

Even the top three economy and some of the countries in health index are top seeded in the world whereas, India having 102 ranks for the same so it can be assessed how risky is COVID 19 in India if it enters in third stage, seeing availability of health facilities in the country where 13.93 billion population are there. Even some countries and their leaders have openly accepted that they are unable to extend health care to Corona Virus affected patients and have also surrendered to this panic situation arrising out of COVID 19.

The government hispitals are working under pressure with limited resources. Even in some of the cities doctors and paramedics are also Corona Virus infected which is an alarming situation along with common COVID 19 patients.

The distric health administration of Moradabad has came forward to extend corontine it’s doctors and para medical workers due to threat perception, seeing the number of Corona Virus infected patients which is increasing day by day. Actually this, steps has been taken to protect those doctors who are engaged in caring for patients like warriors and accordingly, the Yogi government has now given rest to these health facilitators for 15 days to protect them from high risk infection of Corona Virus, seeing increase in number of COVID 19 patients.

The process of sending these health personnel for quorantine has started and for the same 4 hotels have identified for safety of these officials after every 15 days of carriying our their duties. During this period, these doctors will have lab examination for Corona Virus. Further, if all these doctors are found healthy, then they will start treating the patients, this team of doctors shall also be separated from their family and homes till their examination and infection is not clear. To accommodate these teams of health personnel, the district health administration has identified and taken 4 hotels of the city including, Hotel Regal located in the Kapoor Company of Moradabad, Hotel Amara Boutique in Yellow Kothi, Hotel Paradise Mansarovar and Hotel Rajmahal have also been acquired by the district administration.

DR. M C Garg, CMO Moradabad

Doctors will be quarantined on a regular basis. The Moradabad CMO, Dr. MC Garg while giving information about this to the media informed, “the government has taken this step so that the doctors as well as the family of doctors can be saved from the infection of dreaded Corona Virus disease. Till now a team of 17 doctors have been engaged for the same.”


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