@ Anoi Bureau
New Delhi, 24 march 2020: Shri Anil Kumar has predicted that coronavirus will end in India between the 30th of March and 15th April. he belongs to the Indian Supply Service of Government of India and superannuated from the post of Additional Director General in DGS & D. and he has been associated with astrological activities like imparting astrological education & doing research work from last 40 years.
As the whole world is confronting serious risk from coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, India also has gone under the grasp of the ailment.
The lethal infection has just asserted a great many lives over the globe, remembering three for India as of March 19, 2020. Researchers everywhere throughout the world have been conceptualizing to think of a viable antibody for coronavirus.
While the quantity of positive instances of coronavirus in India has been expanding regularly, one famous celestial prophet has anticipated that the threat will before the long end in India.
he shared some of his point of view about the position of the stars and how this issue is connected with that we know that this moment of planning has a great bearing on all these mundane issues. Mars the main planet move to the Sagittarius sign on the 8th of Feb 2020 and at that time the Ketu was already there in the sign. generally, when there is a combination of Mars and Ketu such type of infection takes place.
Saturn, of course, was also in the sign but that moved to Capricorn sign on 24th of January 2020, Now Mars will remain in Sagittarius sign along with Ketu till 24h of March 2020.
That means that the Corona infection is likely to get some control over the number of increasing cases worldwide & silver lining will be visible at that time. The world may get some respite from the increasing number of Corona cases. Apart from that Jupiter is also going to move in the Capricorn sign on 30th March
It means by the 30th of March there should be sufficient control. If we look further, on the 14th of April, the Sun is going to move in your Aries sign which is the exaltation sign of Sun. If we look into the movement of all these planets, we can infer that from the 24th of March, the world is going to get some respite and after the 31st of March the issue will be controlled. After the 15th of April, there will be control over the problem & the world will be in total control of the situation.
what he wants to tell you that as far as India is concerned since this moment in the 9th house of the chart of India, the seriousness of this coronavirus may not be as severe as in other countries. So India may remain comparatively safe India. However, everyone has to follow the advice of the medical fraternity or the govt