SMC Investments and Advisors Ltd, Chairman & Managing Director Dr. D. K. Aggarwal takes over the Presidency of PHDCCI; Shri Sanjay Aggarwal as Senior Vice President & Mr. Pradip Multani as Vice President


@ Vikas Sharma | Sr Journalist

New Delhi: SMC Investments and Advisors, Chairman & Managing Director, Dr D.K. Aggarwal takes over as the President of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) at its 114th Annual Session held in Le Meridien today. Prior to becoming President of the PHDCCI, Dr Aggarwal was its Senior Vice President from October 2018 to September 2019 and Vice President from October 2017 to September 2018.

Dr Aggarwal is a fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) with over two decades of experience in the securities market & financial services. A visionary with in-depth knowledge of the financial markets, he manages, controls and supervises many businesses in the capital & commodity market segments. Strong analytical competence and insightful expertise in research-based product development and ideas for investments make him a leader in the sector.
Dr Aggarwal said, “As President of PHDCCI I shall engage with industry stalwarts and leaders to foster an ecosystem of innovation and growth. We shall strive to build a consensus between industry and policy. I pledge to take up issues of all industries and will work for attaining the nation’s goal of becoming a USD 5 trillion economy.”
Dr D.K. Aggarwal is the recipient of many prestigious awards for outstanding achievement including Distinguished Entrepreneurship Award 2015 by PHD Chamber of Commerce. He was selected among the top “30 Most Successful Entrepreneurs of 2017” by THE CEO Magazine. He also received the Outstanding National Citizens Award by National Citizen Guild, New Delhi; IPE-BFSI Leader Award by Asian Confederation of Businesses for being a role model and exemplary leader, and Brand Slam Leadership Award by CMO Asia, among others.
Mr Sanjay Aggarwal has been elected as senior Vice President of PHD Chamber. Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal is the Chairman and CEO of Paramount Cables. He has been conferred with numerous prestigious awards including the National Small Industry Award 1984 was conferred by the President of India.
Mr Pradeep Multani has been elected as Vice President of PHD Chamber. Mr Pradeep Multani who is the Chairman of Multani Pharmaceuticals Limited holds more than 40 years of experience in the field of development of Ayurvedic and Unani Medicines, has been elected as the Vice President of the Chamber.


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