Social Organization started free Mask distribution


@ Diamond Yadav | Correspondent

Moradabad: Due to increasing counting of corona cases one side shopkeepers started black-marketing of face mask and sanitizers but second side district Moradabad administration    and Balmiki Social organization  started  free distribution of face mask and awareness programme.

In this series Balmiki organization and District Moradabad administration started Corona awareness programme and distributed free face mask to roadways employee and passenger of bus.

Due to increasing counting of corona virus affected case District Moradabad administration and Balmiki Social organization have started corona awareness program at Bus stand.

the main purpose of organizing the awareness programme was to create awareness among masses about the corona virus, which had created a panic throughout the world. They informed the virus spread from one person to another, who is in close proximity to the former.

They further told that the likelihood of catching the virus was greater if somebody in close proximity was suffering from flu or he or she was coughing. “So there is a need to beware of this,” they cautioned

 They advised to people use mask and wash their hand many times. In this corona awareness progrmme   free mask were distributed to roadways employee, passenger at Bus stand at Moradabad.

A large number of people and roadways empoyee, including roadways manager  and others attended the programme.


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