Reservation benefits to the most backward if the forward castes are excluded from OBC: Prajapati


Sudama Pal|Associate Editor

Ghaziabad:Satpal Prajapati, leader of Daksha Prajapati Samaj said that many ministers of OBC category in Uttar Pradesh government are trying to mislead the most backward castes luring them to include the scheduled castes. He said that if the Uttar Pradesh government and the central government really want to give the benefit of reservation to the most backward, both of these governments will have to exclude 14 castes like Jat, Gurjar, Yadav from the Other Backward Class (OBC)category.
Satpal Prajapati was talking to reporters in Sihani on Thursday. He said, the Census of the Most Backward Classes has not been conducted since
last several decades and it’s negligance of the Central Government regarding the Most Backward Classes. Prajapati said untill the governments did not exclude the rich castes Ahir, Yadav, Gwala, Yaduvanshi, Kurmi, Chanu, Patel, Patanwar, Kurmi-Malla, Kurmi-Saithwar, Gurjar, Murao or Murai and Jat from other backward classes. Until the most backward castes cannot get the proper benefit of reservation.
Balkishan Prajapati, President of Daksha Prajapati Samaj, Sihani said that politicians doing politics of backwards should leave the guise of inclusion of 17 most backward castes in the scheduled caste and they should understand the ground reality. “Most Backward castes need not 21 but 27 percent reservation.” added he.
Subhash Tanwar, Hari Om, Gaurav Sen, Laxman, Deepak Vats were also present in the press conference.


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