IIT Indore Celebrated the Success of ISRO Project; Students sung National Anthem At the Time of Succefull landing during ISRO Live Straming


Ashok Yadav | Editor
Indore/New Delhi

The students of IIT Indore have sent some photographs of its celebration on the success of ISRO to “A News Of India” describing that the IIT authority had gathered to celebrate the succesful landing of Chandrayan 3 on the moon during ISRO’s live streaming which was a very proud moment for all Indians after becoming the 4th nation in this world for this great success and first in world to land on moon at south pole which is the most important and most difficult task for our ISRO’s scientists.

The entire IIT Indore authority today celebrated this as a grand festival in the campus and also sung national anthem on this achievement of ISRO’s members hardworking and dedicated scientists, officials and staff members including all professionals of ISRO who are directly and or indirectly associated with this prestigious project. This was a historic moment not only for ISRO but for all nationalists of our great motherland who are very happy today and celebrating this success as a national festival of this country.

“We are grateful to all these dedicated, true nationalists and hard working officials of ISRO for extending this opportunity to us for celebrating this great occassion for Indians residing all over the world.” a student of 2nd year in B Tech(Computer Science), Vedant briefed to the correspondent of “A News of India.

Further another student of IIT Indore Srijan described, Thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts, ISRO and the dynamic team of Chandrayan 3.”


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