Youngest Sikh Billionaire Evan Luthra visited World Sikh Chamber of commerce Office


@ Vikash Sharma | Sr Journalist

New Delhi: Evan Luthra Crypto and tech investor, who is 27 years old and youngest Sikh Billionaire visited WSCC office in Lajpat Nagar to meet its members.
WSCC is the first, “World-Wide Hybrid Networking platform”. WSCC is a non-Profit Sikh Networking Platform Comprising Sikh Businessmen, Industrialists, Professionals, Entrepreneurs & Start Ups.

WSCC through its Young and energetic Sikh businessmen, HNI’s, professionals and other startups are organising regular Mentor sessions with prominent personalities from different with sole motive to promote entrepreneur ship among new generation and support business community.

The Government of India has regularised Crypto by imposing tax on it. India is Top 5 investor in crypto and Evan luthra is a young enthusiastic in this field. He was specially invited by Parmeet singh chadha, President of WSCC to meet members and learn from his past experiences and future trends.

Dr.Chadha appraised Evan luthra for his vision and asked various questions to clear the doubts of the members.The members gathered in large number to hear him out and took selfies.

Evan luthra is a Serial Entrepreneur
& Angel Investor. He is FORBES 30 UNDER 30.He has Built and sold Multiple companies.
Evan said “previously we just had stock as an option to invest, and today we have 10 different options like NFTS, METAVERSE, DEFI, to invest. If u still think you are unlucky, no you are not. You are Lazy”
He added everything will be online in next 3 years and change is must. He is open for any JV with WSCC for growth of community and society.

Dr.Chadha added “Together with WSCC lets bring a paradigm shift in our future”

As our Honourable Prime Minister says Youth is the future of India, so let us motivate youth to change the country.

WSCC will take a delegation to government of India for systematic upgradation to block chain technology and digitisation for transparency govt functioning with the support of Evan’s vast knowledge and global experience.


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