BEE launches NEEM to track real-time energy use by appliances


@ Vikas Sharma | Sr Journalist

New Delhi: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) launched a residential energy use dashboard called National Energy End-use Monitoring (NEEM) here today. Shri Abhay Bakre, Director General, BEE, inaugurated the portal, developed in partnership with CLASP, in the presence of other dignitaries. He also conducted a workshop on the functioning of the dashboard. This dynamic dashboard is available for public use and can be accessed on its website (

This dashboard displays live energy use of the all the monitored households across India as well as outcomes of detailed appliance use household survey. It presents information on energy use, peak demand and other performance metrics across time that may be customized based on geography, climate and household type.

CLASP, in partnership with Bureau of Energy Efficiency, conducted a ‘first of its kind’ study which included a survey on residential electricity consumption (RECS) of 5000 households and a Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) of electricity end-use of 200 households representing the various socio-economic classes and climatic zones. The survey findings and monitoring data analysis will help in establishing a realistic end-use baseline on appliance energy consumption and consumer behavior patterns which can be used for better future electricity demand projection and demand side strategies. A comprehensive dashboard ‘National Energy End-use Monitoring (NEEM)’ has been developed to capture the survey findings and the end-use monitoring data.


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