Legal Advice on Consumer Rights and Allied Issues


ANOI Bureau
New Delhi : Come & Join Us To Know How Consumer Protect Act 1986 Protects the Rights of The Consumers And Know About Some Of The Persons And Organisations Which Can Support You In Case Of Your Need Related With Consumer Rights.

Come Join Us This Column Of Our Legal Correspondent Sh Nitin Saxena.

Here is  common feelings about Consumer Rights, Consumer Protection Act, 1986 Besides Some Other Important Issues related to Consumer Right. Shri Nitin Saxena Will Properly Guide You In This Regard.
Mr Nitin Saxena President All India Consumer Education Society Regd  his views on Consumer Courts in India.

Q-1 What type of cases Consumer Forums deal?

ANS- Mostly cases related to Builders, Mobile phones, NBFC, T.V, Fridge etc but mostly cases against Builders false promises about possession of flat, other issue like if you buy a brand new mobile. Use it for ten days, and then on one day it suddenly breaks down. What will you do is obvious. You rush to the nearest authorized service center where they repair your cell phone. You come back to your home. After two days your mobile again stops functioning.

Q-2  Now what else you can do apart from going to the service center?

ANS—; At this point of time you can approach to the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum commonly known as consumer courts and file a complain against the cell phone company and can demand replacement and compensation, which the company will normally not give you under the one year warranty it offers on the product.

Q–2 A When was consumer courts are established and how you are helping the consumers?

ANS–The consumer courts are established in the year 1987, the act was formed in 1986 called consumer protection act 1986, with the aim that they would provide relief to the consumers in case they have been sold faulty products. However, the number of consumers who reach these forums are still very less in numbers because of many reasons like less awareness about consumer courts, and the procedure of filing a case in these courts.

We are helping the poor and helpless consumers, who has cheated their consumers by giving false promises through our NGO called All India Consumer Education Society Regd ( AICES )is working day and night, whose sole aim is to help and guide grieved consumers to handle their complaints in the consumer court, without taking any aid from Government.
Q-3-. What is AICES? Please tells us in brief.

ANS–AICES stands for All India Consumer Education Society. AICES is a registered NGO. It’s aim is to educate people about consumer laws and make them fight their own cases. With their experience we encourage them to teach others to file cases in consumer courts. This way, we wish that more and more people file cases in consumer courts. At least people should file complaints against defective product and services.

Q-4. What made you to establish this organization? How you did the planning? How you arranged the required capital and other things.

ANS: My aim was to help the underprivileged, helpless common man to get justice. I want that everyone should fight against the service providers, manufacturer who one way or other give poor service or harass the consumers. The problem with we Indians is that we do not complain, and we expect that NGOs or someone else / Government should do all the work for them. Most of us say that we do not have time to complain and to do follow-ups, despite having time to go to restaurants and watching TV. My strategy is to teach a few that how easy it is to file complaint in the consumer court and win the case without the help of a lawyer. And I expect that these few will teach others to file complaints like this, the word will spread, and soon we will see people complaining and coming strongly on defaulters and high and mighty builders.

There is no capital required in filing complaints directly to defaulter. The only investment is time and few documents.


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