VMLG College becomes rink of fighting bulls


Saket Dinker | News Editor

Ghaziabad: An educational institution; VMLG College, Ghaziabad which is supposed to be one of the biggest educational institutions in the state and is also having highest numbers of students and is functioning right from class one to highest level of Ph.D. under Meerut University has become a rink of fighting bulls these days due to mismanagement of its management for issuing arbitrary order and defying government guidelines and working as an authoritarian way.

The order resulting of this issue in question is still doubtful. The same which was issued has been alleged to be forged or fabricated as it has no approval from competent authority like VC, CCS Meerut University and or Higher Education Department of UP Government. This order which is under the possession of “A News Of India” journalist, says to relieve present officiating Principal Dr Amita Solanki who was working till yesterday in the office of Principal, VMLG College. Although she was duly apoointed by the management after due approval of state government authority as well as CCS Meerut University.

 However, the same very order which must convey the newly appointed principal name if any, but unfortunately, the same order is silent on the issue of appointment of a new officiating principal, in place of present officiating principal; Dr Amita Solanki. So the said office order seems to be questionable in the eyes of law under the government rules & regulations applicable in this regard.

The outcome came after an order was shown by an earlier officiating principal Dr Indrani Verma who was forced to resign as officiating principal six months back last year, after a girl student of this college committed suicide two years back and the same principal; Dr Indrani Verma as well as the management were named in the FIR lodged in Sihani Gate police station, Ghaziabad. Reliable sources say that the same very FIR of Suhani Gate police station under the district Ghaziabad has been managed by  Dr Indrani Verma and manage of VMLG College after greasing palm of the police as both the parties were likely to be sufferers in a big way. So that FIR and subsequent charges geet has been managed.

Yesterday, in the morning, Dr Indrani along with her well wishers of 10-12 faculty members of the same college who are coming jointly just to share their soldier to manage many irregularities carried out in past jointly and save their skin by hook and or by crook forcely entered into the chamber of present officiating principal Dr Amita Solanki and shouted and misbehaving with her. Further asking her to leave the principal chair and had said the management has appointed her as VMLG College’s officiating principal and issued an office order relieving Dr Amita Solanki; the present incumbent to the post. Surprisingly such order was never conveyed to Dr Solanki, although it should have been served her first, as per set law only then some one will live her present post and will move on for further duties.

It is also important to mention here that Dr Amita was never served any notice to this effect nor any similar order, as it must be atleast one month prior nitice, as per prevailing rules and regulations of higher education department of UP government. However, Dr Indrani was the media to forward the same very office order to Dr Solanki issued by Ashok Seth, the secretary which is arbitrary, illegal and unfortunate and it must be justified either by the management and or so called ex Officiating Principal Dr Indrani and should also be approved by CCS Meerut University and State Authority of Higher Education, UP in turn for its due consideration and approval without it there is no legality and validity of such office order.  Secondly, presently officiating principal Dr Amita Solanki was never served one month prior notice to leave the post and hand over the charge of officiating principal to any authorised person, as conveyed in the communication and or office order.

All the appointments in the college, even in the privately managed.


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