CMO Gautambudh Nagar Tests Covid-19 Positive, Hospitalised

Additional CMO Dr. Nepal Singh takes charge as CMO

Dr. Deepak Ohri File Picture | Picture Courtsey @Google

@ Ashok Yadav |Editor

Noida: Dr. Deepak Ohri, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Gautam Budh Nagar has been found corona positive. He has been admitted to isolation ward.  In his place, Dr. Nepal Singh has been given the responsibility of CMO.  The district administration is also concerned with the health department as the CMO is infected.

District Surveillance Officer Dr. Sunil Dohra said that CMO Dr. Deepak Ohri had symptoms of influenza like illness (ILI).  He was then subjected to the covid-19 test.  He has been found positive in that.  He told that Dr. Ohri has been admitted to the isolation ward now his health is stable.

 The District Monitoring Officer said that after the CMO found covid-19 positive in the Corona crisis, the responsibility of the CMO of Gautam Budh Nagar has been entrusted to Additional Chief Medical Officer Dr. Nepal Singh.  He told that according to protocol, CMO office is being sanitized.  The district administration has wished him a speedy recovery.


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